OkMap Desktop Activation key 18.1 Free Full Activated

Okmap Desktop Activation key is a powerful, professional desktop geographic information system (GIS) software developed by Okmap. It allows users to create, analyze, manage, and visualize spatial data on the desktop.

With robust capabilities ranging from mapping and spatial analysis to data editing and geoprocessing, Okmap Desktop is designed to meet the needs of GIS professionals, business users, students and researchers. This guide provides a deep dive into everything you need to know about getting started with Okmap Desktop.

Introduction to Free download Okmap Desktop

Okmap Desktop first launched in 2015 as a user-friendly, customizable desktop GIS software. While many competitors existed in the market, Okmap filled a gap by providing:

  • An intuitive and aesthetically pleasing user interface
  • Accessible pricing options and licensing compared to ArcGIS
  • Extensibility through APIs and support for third-party plugins

Some of the key capabilities offered in Okmap Desktop include:

  • Interactive mapping with advanced styling and visualization
  • Powerful spatial analysis and geoprocessing tools
  • Options for automating workflows and analysis
  • Customization through add-ons and programming interfaces

For users accustomed to limited, open-source GIS software, Okmap Desktop provides significantly more robust professional-grade tools at an affordable cost. For experienced GIS pros used to higher-end software like ArcGIS, Okmap offers a more modern, customizable interface and workflow.

Okmap Desktop continues to grow its user base across industrial and academic sectors thanks to its balance of usability, capabilities and flexibility.

Okmap Desktop Activation key

Key Capabilities and Functions of Full version crack Okmap Desktop

Data Visualization and Mapping

At its core, Okmap Desktop enables users to create stunning static and interactive maps. Key mapping capabilities include:

  • Importing over 70 different raster and vector data formats
  • Styling layers with advanced symbology, labeling, and rendering
  • Designing visually appealing print-quality map layouts
  • Publishing maps online through Okmap’s cloud sharing options

Okmap Desktop supports visualizing all types of spatial data including:

  • Vector data like point, line and polygon shapefiles
  • Tabular data that can be joined and visualized as layers
  • Raster data including aerial photos, satellite imagery and digital elevation models
  • Lidar point clouds and 3D surface models

Advanced users can take advantage of runtime rendering options, programmatic styling and labeling, and high-quality map exporting functionality.

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Spatial Analysis

Okmap Desktop Activation key provides over 500 tools and algorithms for conducting spatial analysis on GIS data. This allows users to analyze patterns, relationships and trends that are not apparent in the raw data.

Some key analysis capabilities include:

Proximity Analysis

  • Buffer generation, radial line of sight, nearest feature etc.

Overlay Analysis

  • Intersect, union, clip, erase tools

Terrain Analysis

  • Slope, aspect, viewshed and watershed delineation

Network Analysis

  • Finding shortest/optimal routes, generating service areas, closest facility analysis

Spatial Statistics

  • Mapping clusters and hot spots, measuring spatial autocorrelation

Advanced users can create models to automate sequences of geoprocessing tools and analyses. Python scripting provides even more flexibility to create custom analysis tools.

Data Management

Okmap Desktop Activation key provides robust functionality for managing spatial and non-spatial data including:

  • Importing and exporting 70+ data formats
  • Editing geometry and attributes of vector features
  • Geocoding addresses and converting coordinates
  • Establishing relationships between tables via joins and relates
  • Appending, copying, and exporting datasets

Advanced data management capabilities are available through Okmap’s Data Interoperability extension. This provides enhanced ETL (extract, transform, load) workflows for translating data across different formats and structures.

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3D Visualization and Analysis

The 3D Analyst extension in Okmap Desktop empowers users to visualize and analyze GIS data in realistic 3D environments.

Key 3D capabilities include:

  • Visualizing massive point clouds from lidar and photogrammetry
  • Creating 3D scenes with mesh layers, multipatch features and CAD data
  • Draping imagery layers over terrain to create 3D photorealistic scenes
  • Performing line-of-sight, viewshed and shadows analysis in 3D

Users can take advantage of capabilities like camera control, terrain exaggeration and fly-through animation paths to fully explore 3D datasets.

Customization and Extensibility

One of Download free Okmap Desktop’s strengths is its ability to customize and extend workflows through add-ons and programming.

Users can modify the default interface through:

  • Customizing ribbon tabs, panels and buttons
  • Changing default toolbars and commands
  • Assigning shortcuts, macros and defining interface behaviors

Okmap supports adapting workflows to specific industries and user groups through:

  • Okmap-certified industry-specific toolboxes and templates
  • SDKs for building custom extensions with .NET, C++, Python and R
  • Okmap-approved third-party extensions and plugins

This high degree of customizability allows Okmap Desktop to meet diverse user needs out of the box.

Key Workflows and Use Cases of Okmap Desktop

Okmap Desktop’s extensive capabilities make it suitable for nearly any GIS task or workflow. Here are some common use cases:

For GIS Professionals

As a full-featured desktop GIS software, Okmap Desktop is designed for GIS professionals to perform key workflows including:

  • Data Collection/Conversion – bringing in spatial data from the field and converting across formats
  • Spatial Analysis – leverage Okmap’s hundreds of geoanalytics and modeling tools
  • Cartography – create high-quality static and interactive maps and atlases
  • Field Specialization – tailored workflows for forestry, surveying, environmental management etc.

Okmap Desktop provides the capabilities expected from an enterprise-level GIS system, with added modern interfaces and customization options.

For Business Users

Okmap Desktop empowers business users with key workflows like:

Market Analysis

  • Mapping demographic, lifestyle and psychographic variables
  • Performing drive time and trade area analysis
  • Analyzing trends and customer segments spatially


  • Mapping assets, facilities and distribution networks
  • Optimizing routes and territories for staff
  • Tracking assets and vehicles with GPS monitoring

Retail Site Selection

  • Overlay demographic, competition and other data
  • Model drive time catchment areas for candidate sites
  • Perform weighted overlay analysis on potential sites

For Students and Researchers

Okmap Desktop provides accessible yet advanced GIS for students and researchers for workflows like:

Spatial Data Visualization

  • Map environmental scan data, census demographics etc.
  • Create stunning maps for reports, papers and presentations

Spatial Analysis

  • Analyze geographic patterns in public health, crime, housing data
  • Perform geographic querying, proximity analysis

Research and Modeling

  • Map and model geographic phenomena like forest fires, biodiversity etc.
  • Conduct geostatistical analysis on spatial relationships

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Okmap Desktop Editions: Comparison of Features

Okmap Desktop is available in three licensing levels – Basic, Standard and Advanced. Each edition adds additional capabilities:

Feature Basic Standard Advanced
Core mapping and visualization
Core attribute and spatial data editing
Over 100 spatial analysis tools
Advanced spatial analysis and modeling
3D visualization and analysis
Advanced data interoperability and conversion
Complex enterprise database connectivity and editing
Ability to build custom models, scripts, extensions

Pricing starts at $700/year for Basic, $2500/year for Standard and $7000+/year for Advanced. Educational and discounted licensing is available.

For most individual GIS users, Standard provides the best balance of price and key capabilities. Advanced adds more complex enterprise workflows and extensibility.

Getting Started with Okmap Desktop

For new users getting started with Okmap Desktop, here is a step-by-step workflow:

1. Download and Install

Go to okmap.com and navigate to the desktop download page. Select the appropriate installer for your Windows or Mac system. The install wizard will guide you through installation.

2. Activate License

Use your activation code provided during purchase to license Okmap Desktop through the License Manager. Internet connection is required for initial activation.

3. Tour Interface

Explore the Okmap interface including the ribbon, map viewer, catalogs, toolboxes and help menu. Get familiar with key parts of the user experience.

4. Import Data

Add your own GIS data into a project. Okmap supports drag-and-drop importing of shapefiles, geodatabases, rasters, CSVs and other formats.

5. Create First Map

Symbolize and style data layers to create your first map. Try out different symbology options and map elements like scale bars and legends.

6. Perform Analysis

Apply one of Okmap’s many spatial analysis tools like buffer or overlay. See how analysis can provide deeper insights into geographic data.

7. Share and Export

Share maps and data via Okmap Cloud. Export maps, layouts and data in common formats like PDF, JPEG, GeoJSON etc.

Following online tutorials will help new users get up to speed quickly. The full Okmap Desktop documentation is also available for reference.

Key Tools and Functionalities

Okmap Desktop contains hundreds of tools and functions across its interface. Here we deep dive into some of the most important ones:

The Layer Properties Dialog

This dialog is the central hub for managing properties of a layer including:

  • Source dataset
  • Symbology for how features render on a map
  • Labeling options and formats
  • Transparency and drawing order
  • Scale visibility settings
  • Joining and relating tables
  • Data Source credits and metadata

Learning how to leverage the Layer Properties dialog is key for customizing layers in Okmap Desktop.

The Data Management Tools

Okmap provides many tools to import, export, transform, and edit spatial and attribute data including:

  • Import/Export: 70+ data format support
  • Editing: Geometry and attribute editing, topology tools
  • Geocoding: Address batch matching and reverse geocoding
  • Data Joins: Joining and relating data tables
  • Transformations: Projecting data from one CRS to another

Mastering Okmap’s Data Management tools allows users to wrangle data from any source into usable layers for mapping and analysis.

Spatial Analysis Tools

Okmap Desktop Activation key Standard and Advanced editions unlock a vast suite of spatial analysis tools. These tools can be accessed through:

  • The Analysis Toolbar and individual tool dialog boxes
  • The ModelBuilder utility for chaining tools into automated workflows
  • The Geoprocessing window for executing tools and viewing progress

Common analysis tools include distance measurements, proximity buffers, map overlays, statistical analysis, interpolation, and 3D analysis.

Layouts and Map Production

Okmap Desktop enables both basic and advanced map production through:

  • Layouts: Compose map elements like titles, legends, scale bars for print output
  • Atlas: Automatically generate map books and sheet series
  • Cartographic Representations: Convert GIS features into manageable map layers using cartography best practices
  • Advanced Exporting: Output high-resolution, print-ready maps in various image and PDF formats

Python Window and ArcPy Site Package

In Okmap Desktop Advanced, the built-in Python window allows running scripts and toolboxes using Python 3 syntax. Users also get access to the ArcPy site package which enables automating tasks and analyses.

Common uses of Python scripting include bulk data management tasks, custom analysis tools,automating workflows. Python unlocks advanced customization options for experienced coders.

Tips for Improving Productivity

Beyond mastering Okmap Desktop’s wide array of tools, there are also ways to work faster and maximize productivity:

  • Customize the interface – Tailor the default ribbons, menus and toolbars to fit your workflow. Have the tools you use most at your fingertips.

  • Utilize shortcuts – Assign shortcut keys for common tasks or toolbox tools you use frequently. Set shortcuts under Customize > Keyboard Shortcuts.

  • Create toolbars – Make custom toolbars with buttons that run tools, scripts or system commands. Helpful for repetitive tasks or processes.

  • Use ModelBuilder – Automate multi-step workflows by chaining geoprocessing tasks into models that can be re-run on demand.

  • Learn Python – Go beyond what ModelBuilder offers by scripting workflows in Python for maximum efficiency and customization.

  • Build task-specific toolboxes – Make curated collections of tools, scripts and models for specific recurring project types or analyses.

Leveraging customization options like toolbars, ModelBuilder workflows, and task-focused toolboxes can maximize productivity working in Okmap Desktop.

Okmap Desktop Activation key


Okmap Desktop brings robust, professional-grade GIS capabilities in an accessible, customizable desktop package. With its balance of usability, flexibility and value, Okmap Desktop is suited for GIS pros, business analysts, students and researchers alike.

This guide covered key functionality like mapping, analysis, data management, and 3D – as well as workflows, use cases and tips for getting started efficiently. Okmap Desktop’s extensive help resources and active user community enable users of all levels to take advantage of its powerful toolbox.

Whether you’re new to GIS or a seasoned expert, Download free Okmap Desktop brings enterprise-level capabilities on your desktop at an affordable price.

To learn more and get started with free trials and discounted educational licensing, visit from our site

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